Live your faith with confidence in a fresh, challenging & dynamic way (E.9.89)

Posted Tuesday October 13, 2015 by Mary's Touch Radio

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  • Jessie Romero has a Masters Degree in Catholic Theology from Franciscan University of Steubenville, OH.  Before and since then, he has spent his time teaching, speaking, writing, and giving Bible studies and conferences on all matters Catholic.  Jesse has also served at the parish level as the director of religious education at a small but growing parish 40 minutes north of Los Angeles, CA.
  • After rediscovering his Catholic roots, Jesse studied and prayed his way back to a fervent on-going practice of the Catholic Faith.  Through his experiences with non-Catholics and fallen-away Catholics alike, Jesse is well-versed on all Catholic issues and topics and, as a bilingual speaker, specializes in evangelization, youth events, apologetics seminars, conferences of all sizes and bible studies.
  • He teaches how to live your faith with confidence in a fresh, challenging and dynamic way. He encourages one to stand-up to be warriors and take an active role.
  • He is also the author of “Catholics, Wake Up!”.  This powerful book is sure to energize and empower you to take action and live your Catholic faith vibrantly and courageously.

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